Guide for Authors

The structure of the article should be set and submitted as follows

Article title: The title should be clear and concise.
Name, surname, academic rank, organizational affiliation, city, country and e-mail of the researcher / researchers;
Abstract: In this section, the main contents of the article including the purpose, method, findings and conclusion are stated in a concise manner (maximum 200 words).
Keywords: Among the main words of the article, identify between 3 and 5 words.

Note: The above items should be uploaded in both Persian and Latin.

Introduction: Statement of the problem, purpose, explanation of the need for research and hypotheses (questions);
Method: Statistical population, sampling method, sample group, research tool (s), research implementation process and data analysis method;
Findings: Findings from statistical methods, tables (number and title above it) and graphs (number and title below it). All tables and charts must be prepared in Persian. Also, the numbers in the tables should be in Persian and the decimal point (.) Should be used.

Note: The number of tables should be proportional to the size of the article and the table file should be uploaded separately in addition to the original text.

Discussion and Conclusion: Conclusion, comparison of research findings with research background and their explanation;
References (including Persian and Latin sources): Complete presentation of all sources used and referenced in the text of the article in alphabetical order. Adjust resources according to the APA guideline template as follows:

1. Book: family letter, name (year of original publication), book title, volume number, name and family name of the translator, year of translation translation, time of publication, place of publication: Publications.

۲. Article: Family name, name (year of publication), "Article title", name of the journal, year / period, number, pages.

3. Thesis: Family name, name (year of publication), thesis title, master / doctoral thesis, field, university.

4. Report: Organization Name (year of publication), "Report Name".

5. Internet: family name, name (date of receipt): full site address.

Appendices (if necessary)


Remarkable points in presenting articles

1. The submitted article must not have been previously published elsewhere and must not have been sent to another journal for review and publication at the same time.

۲. The article should be prepared with Microsoft Word software, Mitra font, size 14 and line spacing 1, and sent to the quarterly by email. The phone number for easy and quick access to the journal office to the author in charge of the article.

3. Article size should not exceed 9,000 words.