Publication Ethics

Ethical Charter of the Journal
a. Publication tasks

1. Adherence to the ethical charter: The editors of publications, including the managing director, ‌ editor, members of the editorial board, internal director, editor, etc. must agree on the rules and ethical charter of the publication, show their practical adherence to it.
2. Protection of Intellectual Property: The law of copyright and adaptation of other literary and scientific works must be observed by the publication and the rights of individuals are protected at the time of publication.
3. Fair decision-making: The decision to publish articles should be made at any stage, regardless of the race, gender, orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, citizenship, etc. of the authors.
4. Confidentiality of information: The personal information of the authors of articles should be strictly confidential for all persons who have access to it, such as the managing director, editor, members of the editorial board, internal and executive director of the journal and other active factors including judges, consultants, editors. Protect it at all times.
5. Secret evaluation: The publication follows a two-way secret evaluation process whereby the authors do not know the judges and vice versa. Writers must respect the confidentiality of the evaluation process and not reveal their identities to the judges, and vice versa.

B. Duties of judges

1. Helping the editorial decision: The judges help to improve and enhance the quality and content of the articles by reviewing the quality, content and science of the articles, by communicating with the editorial members or the author.
2. Speed ​​of action: The judges should immediately after the initial review, inform the editor of the journal about the outcome of the arbitration, including non-arbitration of the article due to lack of subject matter in his field of expertise, lack of time or delayed arbitration due to lack of time, lack of Access to sufficient facilities and ....
3. Confidentiality of information: Articles and all information contained in it should be considered confidential for the referee and he should try to maintain it.
4. Documentary and fair arbitration: The arbitration of articles should be based on scientific documents and sufficient reasoning, the strengths and weaknesses of the article should be stated fairly and clearly, and personal, political, racial and religious opinions should not be expressed in arbitration.
5. Attention to the sources of the article: All the contents and quotations used in the sources should be accompanied by a complete bibliographic reference in the bibliography.

J. Duties of authors
1. The responsible author must send a written undertaking accompanied by the article stating that his article will not be sent to another publication until the announcement of the result (maximum six months from the time of delivery to the journal). Also, the submitted article should not be presented in any conference (domestic, national or international) or published in any publication. Obviously, the legal responsibility for submitting or publishing an article or critique in other publications rests with the author or authors.
2. In joint articles with the professor or extracted from the dissertation, which have been written under the supervision of the supervisor, it is necessary to mention the name of the supervisor in the article while attracting their opinion.
3. The article must be the result of the achievement of the author or authors and has originality, innovation and analytical nature. If you use other people's research, cite the source in the article and refrain from using the work of others without reference.
4. In writing the article, the method of scientific research should be observed and authentic and authentic sources should be used. Refrain from raising sensitive and immoral, tasteful and personal, racial and religious issues and false information or translating the works of others without mentioning the title in the article, with full reference, while respecting the citation of the content, and the rights of individuals.
5. When submitting the article, it is necessary to mention the name and surname of the author along with the details (academic rank, contact number of the author, university of service and e-mail address).
6. Simultaneously submitting an article to several publications or articles published or accepted to other publications is against the ethical charter and laws.
7. Appropriate referral: Referral includes mentioning all books, publications and websites and other research of individuals in the bibliography. The full specifications of the referenced sources must be in accordance with the procedure approved by the publication.
8. Mention the person in charge and colleagues in the article: The author in charge of the article is the person who has a major role in preparing, preparing, and writing the article. Other authors are also mentioned as contributors to the article. All authors must have read the article and agreed to submit it.
9. Mention financial sponsorships: The responsible author should introduce them in the article if there is financial sponsorship for writing the article.
10. Scientific plagiarism: The article is registered in the publication system of the institute by the responsible author. All authors are responsible for the authenticity of the work. The publication is obliged to verify the authenticity of the article. Examples of plagiarism are:
1. Submit another article in your own name.
2. Insert the names of authors and researchers who have no role in the article.
3. Copy or duplicate significant portions of another article under its own name, even if the article has not been published.
4. Design the results of other people's research in their own name.
5. Repeated publication of an article by a single author in several journals.
6. Use of invalid data or manipulation of research data.
In case of non-authenticity of the article and its theft, the publication will pursue the following legal actions without any tolerance or waiver, depending on the extent of plagiarism:
1. Article will be rejected. If printed, it will be removed from the sites.
2. The names of all the authors of the article will be included in the list of publications of the Institute.
3. Judicial and legal prosecution will be reserved for the publication.
4. In an official letter, the plagiarism case will be notified to the relevant university or place of service of the researcher.
5. An official letter will inform the citation databases (ensani, SID, Noormags, magiran.) That the author or authors have used the publishing privilege of this article.