The role of mediator of cognitive flexibility in the relationship between spiritual intelligence and marital satisfaction

Document Type : Original Article


1 M.A.Student Islamic Azad University Qom Unit. Qom, Iran

2 PhD in Psychology, Assistant Professor, Research Institute of howzeh and university, Qom, Iran


 The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of mediating cognitive flexibility in spiritual intelligence and marital satisfaction. The participants of this study were 306 married female students of the Qom university, who studied in the year 97 - 96, and were selected by available sampling method. For collecting data, Enrich’s marital satisfaction Questionnaire, Abdollah Zadeh’s spiritual intelligence and cognitive flexibility (Dennis & Vanderwal, 2010) were used. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The statistical method used in the descriptive statistics section is the Average, Standard deviation, abundance tables and in the inferential statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient analysis were used to investigate the relationship between variables, and use of statistical analysis of path analysis based on Baron and Kenny model was analyzed using SPSS and AMOSS software.  The results of the research show that spiritual intelligence variable has a significant relationship with marital satisfaction (0.473). Spiritual intelligence also has a significant relationship with cognitive flexibility (0.534). The Variable of cognitive flexibility has a significant relationship with marital satisfaction (0.453( and the cognitive flexibility in the relationship between spiritual intelligence and marital satisfaction has a slight mediator role.