Conceptualization of the death awareness and extraction of its components based on Islamic sources

Document Type : Original Article



2 Assistant Professor of Psychology, Mustafa International University, Qom, Iran


This research has been done with the aim of developing a conceptual model of death awareness, based on religious texts and checking its validity. At first, with a qualitative approach with the strategy of "lexical search" by means of 39 related words, religious propositions were collected using targeted sampling and based on the principle of saturation in Islamic sources, and were analyzed using the method of qualitative analysis of the content of religious texts. Then, in order to ensure their compatibility with the content of religious texts on the one hand and its application in the field of psychology on the other hand, the validity of the findings was evaluated using the opinions of experts by 10 experts by calculating the content validity index (CVI) and the content validity ratio ( CVR) was investigated. The findings showed that the death  awareness is psychological construct, based on continuous attention to the truth of death in the framework of Islamic thought, which, as an all-encompassing, definitive, and mysterious phenomenon, gives divine meaning human life and causes peace and effective effort and provides for ultimate happiness. Also, by inferring from Islamic verses and narrations, the components of death  awareness, reached ten components: comprehensiveness,  certainty,  ambiguity,  peacefulness, meaning making, superiority of other world,  belief in resurrection day, accepting the death, thinking about death and continuous intention to it  
