Document Type : Original Article
PHD student of Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib, Quran Center, Qom, Iran
Assistant Professor, Imam Khomeini Educational and Research Institute, Qom, Iran
PhD in Psychology, Assistant Professor, Research Institute of howzeh and university, Qom, Iran
The present research aims at recognizing the bases of family therapy based on Islamic resources. The research, which is a foundational-theoretical one, uses a descriptive-analytical method and gathers data from Islamic resources to answer the questions on the nature of family therapy’s basics. To compose the research, we have inferred the basics from the Quran and the traditions. The final findings of the research show that the family therapy based on the Islamic sources enjoys the followings: the ontological bases of God’s deity, mediation of grace by selected men, the existence of after-life world, beauty and goodness of universe, the gradual nature of changes, the anthropological bases of human’s spirituality, human’s aestheticism, human’s dignity, human’s weakness and deficiency, the existence of sexual differences, being complement, human’s need to attachment and sympathy, human’s being accompanied by difficulty and hardship, human’s need to others, family’s being systematic, the value bases of sanctity of marriage and family, the value of child and having children, the centrality of duty and rights, man’s tutorage, the pathological bases of the family’s general impairments, the couple’s common impairments, the impairments specified to each of the couples, the jurisprudential and moral bases of desirability of reconciliation among Muslims, the desirability of intercession in forming family, the desirability of reforming the familial relationships. These basics are effective in the goals and techniques of family therapy, so family therapy theorists with an Islamic approach, should formulate the goals and techniques of family therapy, based on these basics.