Identifying the concept of male authority in the family and constructing its initial test according to the Islamic approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduated level 3 of Islamic counseling from Imam Reza Seminary Institute of Higher Education,Qom,Iran

2 assistant professor, the Department of islamic Counseling, Islamic Maaref University, Qom, Iran


With the purpose of identifying the concept of male authority in the family,and constructing and validating a questionnaire to measure male authority in the family,this study has been designed and conducted relying on reliable Islamic sources.
Using descriptive-analytical method and accidental sampling method,this study was performed with a statistical sample size of200people.According to research findings,the powerful man has these characteristics:his authority is not owed to anyone;He has the capacity to provide for the material(survival) and spiritual needs of his family;and He considers taking care of them as a duty,and manages his life in moderation.In addition,in the eyes of them,he has strength, dignity,and greatness, without committing any injustice towards them.Family affairs are under his control,and He is flexible in living expenses;That is, Depending on the circumstances, sometimes he leads the affairs of life generously and sometimes economically.
In this study,a male authority questionnaire was developed,including8components and46items.Using Cronbach's alpha method as well as the Split-half method, the validity of the questionnaire was assessed.Cronbach's alpha of the total questionnaire was equal to/88.Furthermore, the validity of the questionnaire was also obtained through Spearman-Brown split-half coefficient(0.780)and Guttman’s split-half coefficient(0.778).The reliability obtained from the opinions of8experts on46items is above75%, which according to Lavache's formula, indicates the
