Emotional divorce: the role of personality traits and Attachment to God

Document Type : Original Article


1 M.A in Counseling and Guidance with Islamic Approach, Institute of Ethics and Education, Qom, Iran

2 PhD in Psychology, Imam Khomeini educational and Research Institute, Qom, Iran

3 PH.D Student of Psychology, Imam Khomeini educational and Research Institute, Qom, Iran


The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between personality traits and attachment to God with emotional divorce. The research design was descriptive and correlational. For this purpose, 238 married male and female students in Qom in the academic year 1399-1399 were selected by convenience sampling method and answered the questionnaires of emotional divorce, attachment to God and personality traits. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation and stepwise regression tests. Findings showed that there is a relationship between extraversion and agreeable personality traits, emotional distress and openness with emotional divorce. Also, the relationship between all components of the style of attachment to God with emotional divorce was negative and significant. The results of stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that personality traits of extroversion and agreeing negatively and personality traits of being conscientious and psychologically positively predict a total of 12% of the variance of emotional divorce. Also, the component of positive view of God and seeking the components of attachment to God also explain a total of 15% of the variance of emotional divorce. These findings show the important role of personality traits and attachment to God in predicting emotional divorce between couples.
