Pattern of assertiveness based on Islamic sources

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master of Counseling and Guidance, the Academic Institute for Ethics and Education, Qom, Iran

2 lecturer (Ph.D.) in psychology, Imam Khomeini Education and Research Institute, Qom, Iran

3 PhD in General Psychology, Imam Khomeini Institute, Qom, Iran


The purpose of this study was to "develop a model of assertiveness based on Islamic sources." The present study is a theoretical descriptive-analytical research and the data collection method is based on library studies. To evaluate the content validity quantitatively, two relative content validity coefficients (CVR) and content validity index (CVI) were used. The result of the study in religious teachings was the extraction of 17 concepts related to the components of assertiveness, which were presented to twelve religious and psychological experts. After review by experts, ten concepts were confirmed as components of assertiveness and seven concepts were removed. One of the achievements of this research is to reach a new definition of assertiveness. Identifying the differences between the religion of Islam and Western schools in the purpose and motivation of assertiveness, positions of assertiveness, differences in defining key concepts such as rights and rights, power and strength of rights and comprehensiveness of rights in Islam is another part of research achievements.
