Document Type : Original Article
PHD student of Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib, Quran Center, Qom, Iran
Assistant Professor, Imam Khomeini Educational and Research Institute, Qom, Iran
PhD in Psychology, Assistant Professor, Research Institute of howzeh and university, Qom, Iran
The present research aims at recognizing the principles of family therapy based on Islamic resources. The research, which is a foundational-theoretical one, uses a descriptive-analytical method and gathers data from Islamic resources to answer the questions on the nature of the principles of family therapy. To compose the research, we have inferred the principles from the Quran and the traditions. The final findings of the research show that the family therapy based on the Islamic sources enjoys the followings: God-centerism, modeling on the Prafet and the Imams, imploration, belief in resurrection, optimism, patience and resistance, relisiosity, cleanness and purity, chastity, respectingone’s wife and children, gratitude, flexibility in life (compromise and leniency, forgiveness and mercy, apology and excuse), preserving the family’s status and observing family’s limits, tolerance and tactics, accepting criticisms, healthy dialogue and accompaniment, civility and affection, sympathy, agreement and mutual understanding, honesty, sincerity and trustworthiness, negating violence, consultation, judgment, right fulfillment of sexual desire, reasonable management of family, nurturing children, observing other’s rights and performing one’s duties, women’s obeying their husbands, Islamic behavior towards one’s spouse, liability towards giving up the harmful factors, observing the jurisprudential and moral limits in family therapy. Besides, the duties and rights of the family members and family impairments were extracted from Islamic sources and presented in the discussion.