Constructing and Validating the Scale of Committing to Hijab

Document Type : Scientific extension


1 PhD Student of Psychology/ Research Center of Seminary and University, Qom, Iran

2 PhD Student of Psychology, RIHU, Qom, Iran

3 MA of Psychology, IKI, Qom, Iran

4 Assistant Professor of Psychology, Mustafa International University, Qom, Iran


The present study aims at designing, constructing and validating the scale of committing to hijab based on the teachings of the Holy Quran and hadiths of the Prophet’s Household. To do so, first we classified and conceptualized the related verses and hadiths. After the steps of making assessments, a ten-item questionnaire was handed out among 385 female high school students selected through random cluster sampling. The findings showed that the scale has two factors of “attitude towards hijab” and “committing to hijab” with a desirable internal consistency (Cronbach’salph = 0.812). The reliability of the questionnaire was obtained through split-half method using Spearman-Brown (0.781) and Guttmann (0.780). The mean of the experts’ agreement in assessing the validity of the questionnaire (0.095) showed that it enjoys a proper level of validity.
