The Relationship between Religious Adherence and Empathy in Male and Female Students, Based on Economic and Marital Status

Document Type : Specialized scientific


1 PhD student in Psychology, Mustafa International Society, Qom, Iran

2 BS student in Clinical Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Qom Branch, Iran

3 BS student in General Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Qom Branch, Iran


Empathy is an effective variable in the quality of interpersonal relationships which has its own special cognitive, emotional and behavioral components. This study seeks to determine the relationship of empathy and its components and religious. The present study is descriptive, correlational and causal-comparative. To this end, from among the students related to the counseling office of the supreme leader at universities (statistical population), 400 participants (male and female) were selected using random sampling. All participants responded to the questionnaire of Janbozorgy's religious and Davis's empathy (list of individual reactions). Using the twentieth edition of SPSS software, Pearson correlation, variance analysis and Z test, the analysis of data showed that there is a significant relationship between religious and empathy variables and their subscales (except subscales of religious and imagination). Besides, one-way ANOVA test results indicated that there is a significant difference in the total scores of and subscales of imagination, empathic concern and open mindedness, and total scores and subscales of compliance and non-compliance between male and female. Moreover, economic status, unlike marital status, can play a moderating role in this regard.
